Saturday, February 11, 2012

Connerys new toy


Connery came to me about a week ago and asked if foor his birthday could he have a tattoo gun. Naturally I laughed and said "NO, Silly what are you thinking" as the week went by I noticed how interested Connery was becomming in art of all kinds and that he was especially interested in tattoo art and how the tattooing field worked. I talked with him many times about how how old you have to be what the rules are when you can tattoo and many rules about it. We also took him over to the tattoo shop and he got to talk to a couple of the artists.
Well after a couple weeks he came again and asked me if he could get a tattoo machine that he had found on the internet that was full of everything he needed to try it and that even though he had only one arm he could do it. I questioned myself for many hours and then decided I would rather be the one to get it and help him understand a industry, and the importance of being an artist tattoo or otherwise. He has spent almost every waking moment learning this and having a blast. Im so proud of him it takes alot of concentration to do this and for those know my son know this is an awesome deal for him.

many people have commented on my desicion to do so and I want you all to know that as a mother I fully support my desicion in this and Connery and I have made rules and deals for him to have this, so please dont swash his imagination on this as its a great "THERAPUTIC" .
I will be posting his accomplishments on his art.
Love you all

1 comment:

  1. Such a strong boy. He's going to grow up to be one talented man. no matter what it is he puts his mind to, or how crazy it is.


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